domingo, 28 de febrero de 2010

Invitation To Training

THE NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Chimbote Oportunidades Ilimitadas (CHOI), through its Micro Lending program, has organized a training event headed to customers of the program and general public; it means, to all people interested in establishing or improving a small business through which they are able to generate self-sustainability and independence seeking this way getting better their quality of life. The event will take place in La Casa de la Juventud in Antenor Orrego village (where CHOI and the offices of its programs are located), on Friday February 26 and Monday March 01, 2010 from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm.

Speakers will be Mr. Orlando Bermúdez (director of CHOI), Mr. Percy Segura (leader of Micro Lending program) and Mr. Thomas DeMarco (a volunteer from Minnesota-USA). So, in order to publicize the event Mr. Percy, Mr. Thomas and me (Pablo Beltrán) had to go to the customers' houses to let them know, in advance and through an invitation document, about the training. We went through several neighborhoods or villages to fulfill our goal. That was a long day but we can get to many houses. Here are the topics of the event:

  • Introducing Chimbote Unlimited opportunities - CHOI: Benefits for clients and Micro lending association.
  • Importance of Teamwork.
  • Business Clinic - Marketing for Entrepreneurs.

Click on the image below or on the link to see more PICTURES.

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