CHOI's programs seeks to generate self-sustainability and independence in its beneficiaries. Its scope is limited to approximately 14 poor neighborhoods surrounding father Jack's parish Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro (Our Lady of Perpetual Help) whose priest is father Jack Davis Weed (padre Juan). He is the person who promoted and catalyzed The Father Jack's Friends non-profit and often travels to the United States to raise funds. He writes letters to his American friends with the same purpose.
It should be emphasized that there is another Peruvian Civil Associastion called Civil Association Family Support (Asociación Civil Apoyo Familiar - ACAF) which is also under the tutelage and is a part of The Father Jack's Friends non-profit. It is worth pointing out that ACAF's programs are mostly identified as social service's. On the other side, CHOI was founded and formally established on January 12, 2008. Its first program was the environmentalist one Chimbote Healthy Port and these other ones "Dollars For Scholarships" and "Leaders For Tomorrow."
CHOI headquarters is located at La Casa de la Juventud (Youth House) whose address is: H-4 Antenor Orrego neighborhood. CHOI's programs are running in this place as well. La Casa de la Juventud belongs to The Provincial Municipality of Santa and was lent to CHOI for it to use and manage it for 5 years. From March 2009 to March 2014.
On the context of keeping establishing new programs in favor of humble communities, a few days ago, specificly on Friday, January 29, 2010 it was opened CHOI's two more programs which were: Computer Center and English Academy. In this openning event were present the mayoress of Chimbote Mrs. Victoria Espinoza, some representatives of The Father Jack's Friends non-profit, the president of Chimbote Rotary Club, some leaders of Antenor Orrego neighborhood, etc.
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