domingo, 9 de mayo de 2010

Goals of the Housing Project

FROM MY anterior post you have learnt about the formal start of the Concret Blocks and Papercrete Panels project, promoted by CHOI. Now, I will share on its goals. The MAIN GOAL of the project is to allow that Chimbote residents have access to these low-priced construction materials as permanent employement is generated for many neighbors. In other words the project depends on demand which is counted on and also on respective broadcast about benefits of these materials. When using them would be achieved to minimize several negative aspects that exists when it is built houses without using concrete blocks as floor and papercret as walls. The project will also improve the conditions of life of the poor people of Chimbote in both security and beautification of their houses.

Here is some benefits that the project will generate:

  • Employment for residents of Chimbote
  • Low-priced construction materials compared to market prices
  • Easy transportation and handling
  • Reduction of diseases caused by dust and cold
  • They are nonflammable materials
  • It is worked with these materials in dry and clean
  • Easy installation with no expenses of skilled labor
  • Earthquakeproof, heatproof, noiseproof materials
  • Non-putrescible materials
  • Damaged blocks are changed independently
  • People with higher self-steem
  • Total cleannes of paper and cardboard from houses and city
  • Incomes by selling raw material (paper and cardboard)
  • Awareness of population on environmental conservation
  • Improvement of housing for possible rain.

The person who is in charge of the technical part of the project is the engineer Pablo Muguerza Toro and as it is known Mr. Orlando Bermúdez García (executive director of the non-profit organization CHOI) is in charge of the administrative part of the project. So, continuing with its running the Eng. Pablo Muguerza and his team were making new prototypes of concrete blocks and papercrete panels considering new and better technical specifications in their making. Then samples of concrete and papercrete will be taken to a laboratory of a local university in order to test their quality and resistance.

Click on the image below or on the link to see more PICTURES.

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