So, the leader of the technical part of the project, Eng. Pablo Muguerza Toro, was heading this test together with Mr. Orlando Bemúdez, executive director of the non-profit organization CHOI and responsible for the administrative part of this project. He put a piece of papercrete panel through fire for a reasonable time and it did not catch fire. This way its resistance to fire was demonstrated.
While materials like estera (a kind of panel made of reed woven and used for wall and roof), paper, cardboard, etc. burn quickly, it was evident, by this test, that papercrete is resistant to fire, since even though it was put through fire, this material never caught fire.
Considering the successful result of this test, we now expect to be able to make concrete blocks for floor and papercrete panels for walls in gradual quantities to build houses using these affordable building materials in poor neighborhoods of Chimbote, and this way helping the motto of the project to come true: Better House, Better Life.
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