"Los Amigos del Padre Juan" is a faith-based organization dedicated to supporting programs that improve and transform the lives of the poor of Chimbote, Perú. Los Amigos was formed in 1998 and, in 2002 received 501c3 status, allowing donations to be tax-deductible.
Los Amigos, are friends (from different places specially the US) of Fr. Jack Davis and Sr. Peggy Byrne, and the impoverished of Chimbote, Perú. They assist and support Fr. Jack in his life effort to bring hope and dignity to the poorest people of Chimbote. They do this because they believe in the Christian principle of social justice. To respond to the need as effectively as possible, they have organized under several different non-profit entities:
- Los Amigos Board of Directors.
- Los Amigos Foundation.
- ACAF (Asociación Civil Apoyo Familiar): A Peruvian civil association which distributes Los Amigos funds in Chimbote by performing its social programs.
- CHOI (Chimbote Opportunities Ilimited): Another Peruvian Civil Association that, through its self-sustaining programs, promotes community development by transforming entrepreneurs into independent and self-supporting members of their communities.
Not only are they organized under different bodies but they draw support from several different donor bases, including parishes, individuals, foundations, Rotary Clubs and various other diverse organizations, all of which have provided money or volunteer time to advance the mission of Los Amigos.

- Social Programs: Soup kitchens, battered women's shelter, legal advocacy, wellness program, emergency assistance program.
- Infrastructure: Home building and repair, garden maintenance.
- Health Care: Medical, nursing, and dental appointments, medial support services, hospice, hospital partnerships, tuberculosis programs.
- Economic Development Council (EDC) - CHOI*: Canalizes resources to CHOI's programs: "Dollars for scholars", micro-lending, Chimbote Computer Services, etc.
- Education: Learning support/tutoring program, libraries, kindergartens and daycare, adult learning program.
Considering Christian principles as core foundation, the EDC mission is the transformation of individuals into independent and self-supporting members of their comunity. It has a strong partnership with Rotary Clubs in Minnesota-USA and Chimbote-Perú and with St. Michael's Parish in Prior Lake, MN. To learn more contact EDC chair Earl Milbrath.
Current EDC Operations Through CHOI In Chimbote:
The program commenced in 2002 and has had 17 graduates, who all have found gainful employment. Currently there are several students in school. The community service projects, scholars run while studying, have recently focused on recycling and envorinmental cleaning.
Micro-Lending Program: The EDC partners with the Small Business Development Committee of St. Michael's Parish in Prior Lake - MN to provide micro-loans to start and sustain small businesses in Fr. Jack's Parish. At the beginning, the business was conducted through a Peruvian organization called "ASOCIACIÓN DE APOYO A PEQUEÑOS NEGOCIOS PERPETUO SOCORRO." Presently is a CHOI program. Under the EDC - CHOI, its scope has been expanded to poor areas surrounding the parish and to include group lending as commonly found in micro-lending throughout the world.
Chimbote Healthy Port Program: This recycling business was started in 2007 in Fr. Jack's Parish and in 2008 began expansion to surrounding barrios. Efforts to promote recycling have been effective but also have spawned independent collectors who are buying the high plastic recyclables and collection programs in schools which sell the recyclables to competitors.
Chimbote Computer Services: This small internet café and computer training and repair service business is operated by a graduate of the Scholarship / Leadership Program. Computer training is provided to adults and students.
Chimbote Sewing Center: This sewing business launched in 2007 and has began making clothes for sale in Chimbote and in the US.
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