martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

Affordable Housing Project - 7

BY MY ANTERIOR POST you have learnt on the start of the making of the interior walls for the kitchen and a bedroom of the Morán Ballesteros family's house. As you can see, the running of the Affordable and Safe Housing Pilot Plant, part of CHOI's Housing Project, is progressively going on. Well, I want to share with you that on the seventh working day of this demo, workers have finished doing the kitchen and a bedroom walls using 4 mm superboard panels and this way the living room and dining room walls are finished also.

On the other hand, workers continued to set up more concrete blocks on the ground of the back of the house. It was also necessary to improve drain installation for the family. Some people who stopped by at the house were very curious about this housing demo and wanted to know more about this kind of house and materials used in its building. Some of them said that would like to have a house like this.

Click on the image below or on the link to see more PICTURES.

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