I have been writing some information about activities carried out in favor of those people living in humble neighborhoods in Chimbote. There are several areas in which they need to receive some support. One of them is the financial area for we can find entrepreneurs in those neighborhoods needing a boost in order to start their journey toward their economic independence. To address this issue CHOI has created a program called Micro-Lending. It provides micro-loans for people living in neighborhoods surrounding father Jack's Parish to start a small business or improve one existing. Here is some information about how this program has started; this is a letter from the administration of the Program to benefactors:
It is gratifying to greet and to send you a message of health, peace and social mission on behalf of the "Support Association to Small Businesses Perpetual Help" parochial community, the Micro-Lending program of CHOI.
Our association was founded with the aim of supporting and promoting creation and implementation of small businesses in our jurisdiction (neighborhoods surrounding the parish) thanks to support from the sister parish of San Miguel from Prior Lake - MN in the USA and thus improving our life quality and business vision.
All this is crystallized thanks to the huge heart of these wonderful people: Richard and Monica Roe, Dave and Mary Velishek, Frank and Sharon Velishek, Larry and Gerry Anderson, Kevin and Dawn Ranagan, Rick Altendorf, Tom and Micky Dolsin, Dick and Ann Miller, Earl and Carol Milbrath, Mike and Marlene Leonard, Tony and Dorothy Brama, and to the blessed kindness of our guides father Jack Davis and mother Peggy Byrne.
This beautiful goal started on July 24th, 2000. That was the day of our founding, providing our first micro-loan on October 25th of the same year. Since that date on we have treated 482 applications in total and we are glad to see that through our sand granite given, the beneficiary families have been able to develop their personal and business assets, thereby improving their socio-economic, educational, cultural and family level.
That was the letter. Well, I wanna say that despite they are helping some people in need but however still you can find many other people and families in many neighborhoods in Chimbote not surrounding the parish waiting that their assets are discovered.