viernes, 31 de julio de 2009

Caring The Environment

HERE IN CHIMBOTE THERE ARE several pollution sources affecting physical health of residents specially of those living in neighborhoods surrounding those sources. Among them we have pollution from fishing factories, steel industry, garbage, industrial waste products, etc. That's why it is neccesary to know what community members can do to face this unpleasant fact which is affecting health of the residents, specially of those more vulnerable: The children.

For this reason and trying to contribute for the environment conservation and residents' health, beneficiaries students young people from CHOI's educational programs "Dollars for Scholarships" and "Leaders for Tomorrow" (who are already studying a career some time ago) were performing an awareness campaign on the need of collaborating in environmental care by keeping public cleanliness (avoiding throwing away garbage on streets) and planting trees and so contributing for the beautification of community.

They chose "Camino Real" avenue to fulfill this project so, on Sunday July 26, 2009 in the morning this youth group were sharing about with residents, house by house and asked them permission to plant a tree in front of their house in a close future. This campaign was carried out under this motto: "Let's plant a tree, let's save a life." This is a community project scholars carry out as part of their social responsability.

Click on the link to see more PICTURES. (Other activities)

jueves, 30 de julio de 2009

Trying To Break The Cycle

EDUCATION IS AN IMPORTANT PATH to get personal and family development and consequently of communities and countries. However teenagers living in very poor neighborhoods, like many here in Chimbote Perú, and want to continue studying after having finished high school have to face, together with their parents, the ever-present concern which is to get money to provide food for the entire family to be able to eat every single day. A majority of adults have no access job leaving families also with little access to medical care.

On this context parents can't afford to send their teenagers to university nor technical school even though they would want to; others families will have to do great sacrifices beyond their expectations destabilizing them financially. But if people don't receive education, how could they ever break the cycle of poverty?

Considering this reality, the "Dollars for Scholars" and "Leaders for Tomorrow" programs of CHOI, are looking for 35 new young people, among all those in need that belong to poor neighborhoods surrounding "La Victoria", to offer them financial aid for each of them to be able to study a professional career until they will get their academic degrees.

That's why leaders of these educational program gathered young people and some family parents at the Corazón de Jesus parish located in "Ramal Playa" neighborhood to explain them on this posibility. They all have heard about requirements and conditions to be one of the recipients. So they will have to bring required documents for their correspondent evaluation until November 30, 2009.

Click on the link to see more PICTURES.