lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2009

Keeping The Will To Help Others

FROM MY PREVIOUS POSTS you have learnt that here in Chimbote there is a non-profit organization called "Los Amigos Del Padre Juan" which is faith-based and whose main goal is to improve and transform the lives of the poor of Chimbote - Perú. Members of the Board of Directors of this organization are from differents places of the United States and Perú and they regularly have meetings both in the US and Perú to coordinate new work efforts for the social well-being of the residents of Chimbote, specially the poor's.

Whitin this framework is that November 9-14, 2009 Mr. Earl Milbrath from Chanhassen, MN, USA, (one of the members of "Los Amigos Del Padre Juan" Board of Directors), was visiting Chimbote together with other American people even its Executive Director, Ms. Susan Trnka from Fargo, ND, USA was here as well. Mr. Earl Milbrath is an Officer, Board Member and Chair of Economic Development Council (EDC) of "Los Amigos Del Padre Juan" but is also Board Member of Chanhassen Rotary Foundation; he is doing a great job by canalizing resources for CHOI.

Among his many activities Mr. Earl fulfilled here in Chimbote it was included a meeting at Fr. Jack's Parish with beneficiares of CHOI's educational programs "Dollars for Scholar" and "Leaders for Tomorrow" (who are presently studying at Higher Studies Centers thanks to support of this programs) and its coordinators Mr. Rafael Armas, Mr. Orlando Bermúdez and Mr. Carlos Alayo. Through Christian principles, the EDC has as mission to contribute to community development and it is indeed doing through CHOI.

The EDC has a strong partnership with Rotary Clubs in Minnesota-USA and Chimbote-Perú, and with St. Michael's Parish in Prior Lake, MN and Mr. Earl is a catalyst element for the good work in favor of the needy to continue running. You may contact him at:

Click on the image below or on the link to see more PICTURES.

martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009

Carring Out Tree Planting Project

SINCE A FEW WEEKS AGO I was sharing with you about a Tree Planting Project which was designed by scholarships holders of CHOI's Educational Programs. As you know the place chosen to implement this project was the "Camino Real" avenue located among several poor neighborhoods here in Chimbote such as: Ramal Playa, 10 de Setiembre, Corazón de Jesús, Santa Irene, Fraternidad, San Miguel, Antenor Orrego, and Alto Perú.

Here in Perú we have a saying: "Unity makes strength" and considering that I must say that this projec was the opportunity to put together some local entities, students, neighbors, etc. in order to implement it. On this context it is noteworthy that the Selective Collection Project of Solid Waste called "CHIMBOTE HEALTHY PORT" made an alliance with the program of CHOI "DOLLARS FOR SCHOLARSHIPS" to plant 100 trees on "Camino Real" avenue through this planting project.

This project is considered in the annual workplan for community projects that scholarship holders have to carry out for the benefit of their communities in return for scholarships they receive. "Chimbote Healthy Port" project also promotes environmental preservation. So, the 6th of September 2009 all the scholarship holder students together with leaders of CHOI's educational programs, Municipality workers, residents, leaders of other projects, police, and volunteers gathered on "Camino Real" avenue to carry this project out.

From the morning they were planting trees along the avenue. Just to take it into account, scholarship holders, after a previous hard work of awareness raising to the neighbors on environmental care, fulfilled their commitment of tree planting and consequently of environment care, so in coordination with neighbors as well finished the first phase of this tree planting project which will continue, in its next phase, by monitoring the growth of these plants in order to they fulfill their mission of providing oxygen, shade, and being lungs of society as well as beautifying community.

Click on the link to see more PICTURES.

domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2009

Institutions Join Together For Community

IF YOU HAVE BEEN following my recent posts, you have realized that I have shared on a trees planting project on "Camino Real" avenue here in Chimbote. Well, several activities about were performed by students beneficiaries of the Educational Programs of CHOI, which are part of their responsabilities regarding their communities. It means that they must perform community projects in favour of neighborhoods less advantaged using knowledges acquired at their higher study centers.

It is a good combination of talent and support in behalf of students, CHOI and Chimbote Rotary Club. This is not only a collaborative effort of them but also of leaders of the city since the mayoress in behalf of PROVINCIAL MUNICIPALITY OF SANTA* collaborated as well with this planting project sending public cleaning workers and machinery to clean up the avenue just a few days before planting.

It is appropriate to highlight the union of residents, students, CHOI non-profit, Chimbote Rotary Club, and a local institution (Provincial Municipality of Santa) to perform this Trees Planting Project.

* SANTA is also the name of the Province that Chimbote belongs to.

Click on the link to see more PICTURES.

viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009

More Activities Before Planting

WHAT IS KNOWN because of previous posts, is that around 35 students of higher educational institutions such as universities and technical schools (who are beneficiaries of the educational programs of CHOI) got involved in trees planting project on an avenue located among poor neighborhoods in Chimbote city. They not only receive support from Rotarians Clubs (like Rotary Club of Chanhassen-Minnesota-USA) for them to study a profesional career but that in compensation must design, implement and participate in social projects that benefit community that they belong to.

That's why they were involven in activities of this planting project. Now, they were all participating in the exhausting task of preparing fertilizer to fertilize the soil that will be used to plant. Also, they were selecting special soil for planting which was provided by Chimbote Rotary Club. It was possible to get a place where they could do this activity. If some of them could not come this place to accomplish his/her task the appointed day they could do it any day of the week.

After students finished to prepare fertilizer and soil, took these materials from the place they were working to the holes on "Camino real" avenue (that they have done previously) using wheelbarrows and tricycles. So, every hole was prepared conveniently for the big day of planting. This way they were accomplishing another project activity. Now, I'd like to share with all of you some pictures about this new activity students were doing.

Click on the link to see more PICTURES. (Other activities)

sábado, 29 de agosto de 2009

Preparing Land For Planting

AFTER MAKING AWARE RESIDENTS of Camino Real avenue, house by house, about the need to plant trees to contribute to purify the air we breathe and thus to help to preserve the environment, the youth who are scholarship recipients of CHOI's educational programs Dollars For Scholars and Leaders For Tomorrow, were preparing the spots where trees are going to be planted by cleaning the area and making holes along the avenue.

They were also preparing fertilizer and then fertilized the soil in the holes. So everything is ready for them to plant trees on Sunday, September 06th, 2009. These young people were very willing and glad to be able to contrubute with community this way. On the other hand the mayoress of Chimbote city Mrs. Victoria Espinoza García, in behalf of municipality, committed to give away some of the trees that are needed.

The rest is going to be donated by Chimbote Rotary Club to beautify this avenue located among poor neighborhoods of Chimbote near fr. Jack Davis' parish. The mayoress also committed to put together and send public cleaning workers of Chimbote the day of the planting. Well, I must say that this was another more day of accomplished activity of Tree Planting Project. You were all doing a great job Guys!!

Click on the link to see more PICTURES. (Other activities)

viernes, 31 de julio de 2009

Caring The Environment

HERE IN CHIMBOTE THERE ARE several pollution sources affecting physical health of residents specially of those living in neighborhoods surrounding those sources. Among them we have pollution from fishing factories, steel industry, garbage, industrial waste products, etc. That's why it is neccesary to know what community members can do to face this unpleasant fact which is affecting health of the residents, specially of those more vulnerable: The children.

For this reason and trying to contribute for the environment conservation and residents' health, beneficiaries students young people from CHOI's educational programs "Dollars for Scholarships" and "Leaders for Tomorrow" (who are already studying a career some time ago) were performing an awareness campaign on the need of collaborating in environmental care by keeping public cleanliness (avoiding throwing away garbage on streets) and planting trees and so contributing for the beautification of community.

They chose "Camino Real" avenue to fulfill this project so, on Sunday July 26, 2009 in the morning this youth group were sharing about with residents, house by house and asked them permission to plant a tree in front of their house in a close future. This campaign was carried out under this motto: "Let's plant a tree, let's save a life." This is a community project scholars carry out as part of their social responsability.

Click on the link to see more PICTURES. (Other activities)

jueves, 30 de julio de 2009

Trying To Break The Cycle

EDUCATION IS AN IMPORTANT PATH to get personal and family development and consequently of communities and countries. However teenagers living in very poor neighborhoods, like many here in Chimbote Perú, and want to continue studying after having finished high school have to face, together with their parents, the ever-present concern which is to get money to provide food for the entire family to be able to eat every single day. A majority of adults have no access job leaving families also with little access to medical care.

On this context parents can't afford to send their teenagers to university nor technical school even though they would want to; others families will have to do great sacrifices beyond their expectations destabilizing them financially. But if people don't receive education, how could they ever break the cycle of poverty?

Considering this reality, the "Dollars for Scholars" and "Leaders for Tomorrow" programs of CHOI, are looking for 35 new young people, among all those in need that belong to poor neighborhoods surrounding "La Victoria", to offer them financial aid for each of them to be able to study a professional career until they will get their academic degrees.

That's why leaders of these educational program gathered young people and some family parents at the Corazón de Jesus parish located in "Ramal Playa" neighborhood to explain them on this posibility. They all have heard about requirements and conditions to be one of the recipients. So they will have to bring required documents for their correspondent evaluation until November 30, 2009.

Click on the link to see more PICTURES.

viernes, 12 de junio de 2009

Leaders For Tomorrow

After a student of secondary level finishes his/her studies at school he/she has to face the reality of studying a professional career at any higher studies center. Teenagers here in Chimbote would like to follow the path of study. Many of them thinks of preparing for a better future by studying at university, technical institute, etc. but unfortunately most of them are not able or won’t be able to come true their dreams of becoming a professional because don’t have enough money, support, opportunity, motivation, etc. to achieve their life goals of becoming prepared citizen for helping themselves, their families, city and country.

Knowing this hard reality that many young people are facing, CHOI, through its educational programs "Dollars For Scholars" and "Leaders For Tomorrow" make possible some young people to study at a university ot technical school. On the other side, the coordinator of the "Dollars For Scholars" program Mr. Rafael Armas Bardales, the coordinator of the "Leaders For Tomorrow" program Mr. Orlando Bermúdez García, the coordinator of the two Programs Mr. Carlos Alayo Mecola and me Pablo Beltrán Oroya as a volunteer, were performing a training event for beneficiaries young people of these social support programs.

This event was headed to those young people living in the poorest neighborhoods in chimbote, accomplishing this way a schedule prepared in advance. These youth support programs are posible thanks to goodness of many people, not only from Chimbote but specially from rotarians friends of the Rotary Club of Chanhassen-Minnesota, particular donors and "Los Amigos" foundation.

There were 30 young people in that event and among them new students added to the educational programs as new scholars. All of them are going to receive support (money for paying university, tickets, etc.) as long as their studies processes last, from the very beginning of their pre-university studies, right after high school, which means the CHOI's educational program will support them since their pre-universities studies, university, until they will get their university or technical degree.

It was invited a speaker who was teaching them some topics and after that challenged them to answer these question: What is to study? Why am I studying? What am I studying for? How must my professional profile be? What are the obstacles in my life? How am I dealing with them? How to overcome them? Here are some pictures of the meeting, Enjoy them !!! (More events)

lunes, 8 de junio de 2009

Let's Keep On Supporting!

Through this post I would like to share with you that here in Chimbote, Perú there is a Catholic parish called "Our Lady Of Perpetual Help" ("Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro") whose priest is the father Jack Davis. This parish is located in a poor neighborhood called La Victoria.

Most of residents of La Victoria and neighborhoods surrounding father Jack's parish tenderly call him "Padre Juanito" and love him so much. He is very concern about living conditions of the residents, specially for the poorest. In his life effort for improving living conditions of his neighbors he did his best to found a non-profit organization: "The friends" ("Los Amigos"), with the help of his American and Peruvian friends, for the benefit of the poor.

This organization, to more effectively serve the Peruvians in a self-sustained way, specially poor people living in Chimbote, canalize its support efforts through CHOI by means of one of its programs called Micro-Lending whose coordinator is Mr. Orlando Bermúdez García. This program provides micro loans to people with limited economic resources wanting starting or sustain a small business using their assets for this. Here is some information about micro loans given by Micro-Lending Program in May.

domingo, 24 de mayo de 2009

Micro Loans Given in Feb 2009

Here are some of micro-loans given by CHOI, through its financial support program llamado "Micro-Lending", to people who live in humble neighborhoods surrounding father Jack's parish, located in La Victoria neighborhood in Chimbote, for they to start a small business and this way to improve their life quality and their families. (More micro loans given)

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2009

Providing Micro-Lending

I have been writing some information about activities carried out in favor of those people living in humble neighborhoods in Chimbote. There are several areas in which they need to receive some support. One of them is the financial area for we can find entrepreneurs in those neighborhoods needing a boost in order to start their journey toward their economic independence. To address this issue CHOI has created a program called Micro-Lending. It provides micro-loans for people living in neighborhoods surrounding father Jack's Parish to start a small business or improve one existing. Here is some information about how this program has started; this is a letter from the administration of the Program to benefactors:

It is gratifying to greet and to send you a message of health, peace and social mission on behalf of the "Support Association to Small Businesses Perpetual Help" parochial community, the Micro-Lending program of CHOI.

Our association was founded with the aim of supporting and promoting creation and implementation of small businesses in our jurisdiction (neighborhoods surrounding the parish) thanks to support from the sister parish of San Miguel from Prior Lake - MN in the USA and thus improving our life quality and business vision.

All this is crystallized thanks to the huge heart of these wonderful people: Richard and Monica Roe, Dave and Mary Velishek, Frank and Sharon Velishek, Larry and Gerry Anderson, Kevin and Dawn Ranagan, Rick Altendorf, Tom and Micky Dolsin, Dick and Ann Miller, Earl and Carol Milbrath, Mike and Marlene Leonard, Tony and Dorothy Brama, and to the blessed kindness of our guides father Jack Davis and mother Peggy Byrne.

This beautiful goal started on July 24th, 2000. That was the day of our founding, providing our first micro-loan on October 25th of the same year. Since that date on we have treated 482 applications in total and we are glad to see that through our sand granite given, the beneficiary families have been able to develop their personal and business assets, thereby improving their socio-economic, educational, cultural and family level.

That was the letter. Well, I wanna say that despite they are helping some people in need but however still you can find many other people and families in many neighborhoods in Chimbote not surrounding the parish waiting that their assets are discovered.

jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

Training On Environmental Care

Now I would like to share with you about some proyects on Environmental Care that were performed here in Chimbote in 2008 through the unconditional support of American benefactors and Rotarian friends from Chanhassen-Minessota in the USA in coordination with Chimbote Rotary Club and canalized by CHOI.

Even though several good people (specially from the USA) are supporting Social Programs however there is still too much to do for the poorest in Chimbote because so many people are still waiting for a chance in their lives. Here are some pictures on the performed proyects:

P R O J E C T S - 2 0 0 8


Students and teachers doing a Recycling Project presentation.

Speech to students about recycling and its importance.


Youth Leaders and Sensitizers at a recycling speech.

Educational class about environment.


Fixture with students referent to Global Warming.

Delivery of garbage cylinders for non-organic materials.


Detailed presentation about the project of recycling.

Delivery of garbage cylinders for organic waste.

(From the Board of Directors of Support Programs of CHOI)

In name of all of participants of the program which comprise a special family we built throughout these dedicated years contributing to many people: Children, young people, parents and all of community members. It is for us a great happiness to give and help through you. For this reason we would like to thank you for the unconditional support, with no distinctions neither barriers through the passing of the 2008 year, and all the years before giving us your support to make of our city a better place to live in.


jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

Beneficed Youth By Educational Programs

It is encouraging to see here in Chimbote some young people from the poor neighborhoods around and with no resources but with personal assets, talent for study, and great motivation, accomplishing their goals of studying a professional career at a technical institute or university with support of benefactors of the CHOI's educational programs "Dollars For Scholars" and "Leaders For Tomorrow" (DFS & LFT.)

Today these young people are ready to get better their life style and their families', face challenges of life, contribute to change for better their community, city and country, be better people that they were born to be, etc. All of this is possible because there are benefactors in other countries that are willing to assist, by means of CHOI's programs, people in need who are looking for a little impulse to improve their quality of life that in this case is through education.

List of young people beneficiaries that got to study a professional career by help of "Dollar For Scholars" and "Leaders For Tomorrow" programs (DFS & LFT)

Click on the list to expand it

However there are still many other young people less advantaged who have no the chance for their dreams and life goals to come true. Most of them have talents and abilities but unfortunately don't have enough resources or motivation for promoting or develop them consequently these assets, talents, abilities, etc are lost and this way human elements for change that every society needs never emerge and this brings underdevelopment and poverty for the people.

lunes, 20 de abril de 2009

Educational Programs: Dollars For Scholars and Leaders For Tomorrow (DFS & LFT)

Founders (promoters) of these Programs were the American friends: JOSE and TERESA ADAMS. Today the programs remain in place thanks to generosity of new American friends: EARL MILBRATH, MIKE LEONARD and Rotarians friends from Chanhassen, MN in the USA.

These programs are an agreement between Chanhassen-MN Rotary Club and Chimbote-Perú Rotary Club to seek the best young people (that have personal assets potentially, want to develop them and make them work out in academic area and live in neighborhoods surrounding Fr. Jack's parish here in Chimbote) in order to offer them support for their university or technical studies.

At the time I am writing this post the staff of the programs is as follows: Mr. Carlos Alayo Mecola is the Coordinator of the two programs. Mr. Rafael Armas Bardales is the Director of "Dollars For Scholars" Program and Mr. Orlando Bermudez García is the Director of "Leaders for Tomorrow" Program. Its offices are located in "Sacred Heart of Jesus" Chapel at H-25 "Ramal Playa" Neighborhood in Chimbote, see the picture above.

Founders, Benefactors and Members of "Dollars For Scholars" and "Leaders For Tomorrow" Programs - DFS & LFT (↓)

Benefactors for "Dollars For Scholars" Program, the Team of "Leaders For Tomorrow" Program, Rotarian friends and young leaders. (↓)

Young Leaders receiving a certificate as graduated students of the Program from The Chimbote Club Rotary with the presence of Rotarian Benefeactor of Chanhassen-MN in the USA. (↓)

Rotarian Library: Giving its services to Young Leaders and community members of our "Corazón de Jesús" Chapel and bringing a great help for development of our university students. (↓)

Some young people of "Leaders For Tomorrow" Program who have successfully finished their studies. (↓)

jueves, 16 de abril de 2009

Supporting The Poorest

Here in Chimbote there is a non-profit organization called "Los Amigos del Padre Juan" (The Father Jack's Friends) comprised by Christian people from The United States and Chimbote itself which is dedicated to work for the poorest of this city. But let me share with you a little more about it.

"Los Amigos del Padre Juan" is a faith-based organization dedicated to supporting programs that improve and transform the lives of the poor of Chimbote, Perú. Los Amigos was formed in 1998 and, in 2002 received 501c3 status, allowing donations to be tax-deductible.

Los Amigos, are friends (from different places specially the US) of Fr. Jack Davis and Sr. Peggy Byrne, and the impoverished of Chimbote, Perú. They assist and support Fr. Jack in his life effort to bring hope and dignity to the poorest people of Chimbote. They do this because they believe in the Christian principle of social justice. To respond to the need as effectively as possible, they have organized under several different non-profit entities:

  • Los Amigos Board of Directors.
  • Los Amigos Foundation.
  • ACAF (Asociación Civil Apoyo Familiar): A Peruvian civil association which distributes Los Amigos funds in Chimbote by performing its social programs.
  • CHOI (Chimbote Opportunities Ilimited): Another Peruvian Civil Association that, through its self-sustaining programs, promotes community development by transforming entrepreneurs into independent and self-supporting members of their communities.

Not only are they organized under different bodies but they draw support from several different donor bases, including parishes, individuals, foundations, Rotary Clubs and various other diverse organizations, all of which have provided money or volunteer time to advance the mission of Los Amigos.


The needs of the residents of Chimbote are basic: Food to eat, shelter from the elements, care when they are sick, jobs to provide for their families, and access to education so their children can build a better future. To respond to these needs, Los Amigos provides the following programs:

  • Social Programs: Soup kitchens, battered women's shelter, legal advocacy, wellness program, emergency assistance program.
  • Infrastructure: Home building and repair, garden maintenance.
  • Health Care: Medical, nursing, and dental appointments, medial support services, hospice, hospital partnerships, tuberculosis programs.
  • Economic Development Council (EDC) - CHOI*: Canalizes resources to CHOI's programs: "Dollars for scholars", micro-lending, Chimbote Computer Services, etc.
  • Education: Learning support/tutoring program, libraries, kindergartens and daycare, adult learning program.


The EDC is a committee operating under the direction of the "Los Amigos" to complement the services provided through ACAF. This goal is achieved by means of CHOI and its programs such as: Micro-lending (creation of small businesses), employment, scholarship, mentoring and training, pre university academy, etc.

Considering Christian principles as core foundation, the EDC mission is the transformation of individuals into independent and self-supporting members of their comunity. It has a strong partnership with Rotary Clubs in Minnesota-USA and Chimbote-Perú and with St. Michael's Parish in Prior Lake, MN. To learn more contact EDC chair Earl Milbrath.

Current EDC Operations Through CHOI In Chimbote:

Dollars For Scholars And Leaders For Tomorrow Programs (DFS & LFT): are administered by the Rotary Clubs of Chanhassen - MN and Chimbote - Perú to send young people from the poorest neighborhoods of Chimbote to universities and technical schools and to provide leadership training in the planning and execution of community service projects.

The program commenced in 2002 and has had 17 graduates, who all have found gainful employment. Currently there are several students in school. The community service projects, scholars run while studying, have recently focused on recycling and envorinmental cleaning.

Micro-Lending Program: The EDC partners with the Small Business Development Committee of St. Michael's Parish in Prior Lake - MN to provide micro-loans to start and sustain small businesses in Fr. Jack's Parish. At the beginning, the business was conducted through a Peruvian organization called "ASOCIACIÓN DE APOYO A PEQUEÑOS NEGOCIOS PERPETUO SOCORRO." Presently is a CHOI program. Under the EDC - CHOI, its scope has been expanded to poor areas surrounding the parish and to include group lending as commonly found in micro-lending throughout the world.

Chimbote Healthy Port Program: This recycling business was started in 2007 in Fr. Jack's Parish and in 2008 began expansion to surrounding barrios. Efforts to promote recycling have been effective but also have spawned independent collectors who are buying the high plastic recyclables and collection programs in schools which sell the recyclables to competitors.

Chimbote Computer Services: This small internet café and computer training and repair service business is operated by a graduate of the Scholarship / Leadership Program. Computer training is provided to adults and students.

Chimbote Sewing Center: This sewing business launched in 2007 and has began making clothes for sale in Chimbote and in the US.